Wintersemester 2010/11
Wintersemester 2010/11
Wintersemester 2010/11
Transformations and Relations
Ort: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Villa Jaffé, Wallotstr. 10
17.00 - 19.00 h
20 Okt | Conversion, Assimilation, Ethnicity
Tamer El-Leithy
(New York University; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
Converting Cultures in Medieval Cairo: Coptic Christianity, Islamization, and Ethnicity
Gudrun Krämer
(Freie Universität Berlin; Mitglied des EUME Kollegiums)
3 Nov | The Memory of the Mihna in a Haunted Time
Nadia Nader
(University of California, Santa Barbara; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
Dogmatic Theology, Neo-Mu'tazilism and Islamic Legal Reform
Islam Dayeh
(Freie Universität Berlin)
10 Nov | Nation, Gender and Morality
Hanan Hammad
(Texas Christian University; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
Between National Purity and Local Flexibility: Prostitution in the First Half of 20th Century Egypt
Kamran Ali
(University of Texas, Austin; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
24 Nov | Iconographic Choices
Agnes Penot-Lejeune
(Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne; CIERA, Affiliated EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
Goupil & Cie and the Middle Eastern Art Market in the 19th Century
Stefan Weber
(Museum für Islamische Kunst; Mitglied des EUME Kollegiums)
1 Dez | 'Orientalism' in the Near East
Fadi Bardawil
(Columbia University; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
A Fractured Ground of Criticism? Levantine Polemics around Edward Said's Orientalism
Elias Khoury
(Beirut; NYU; Fellow des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin 2010/11)
15 Dez | Compensatory Discourses
Maggie Awadallah
(Imperial College London; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
Finding a Common Ground for an Alternative Secularity in Contemporary Egyptian Literature
Dyala Hamzah
(Zentrum Moderner Orient)
12 Jan | Muslim Discourses on the 'Religious Other' in Ottoman Damascus
Lejla Demiri
(Cambridge; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi (d. 1731) and his Writings on Christianity
Michael Marx
(Corpus Coranicum, BBAW)
26 Jan | Belief after Enlightenment
Guriqbal S. Sahota
(University of California, Santa Cruz; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
Iqbal and Goethe, or the Sturm und Drang of Late Colonial India
Fadi Bardawil
(Columbia University; EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
9 Feb | Lonely Women in Ottoman Hospitals
Gulhan Balsoy
(EUME-Fellow 2010/11)
Gender and the Politics of Female Body: Midwifery, Abortion and Pregnancy in Nineteenth Century Ottoman Society
Nazan Maksudyan
(Alexander von Humboldt Fellow am Zentrum Moderner Orient)