Winter Term 2018/19
Winter Term 2018/19
Winter Term 2018/19
Narratives of Citizenship: Past Imperfect, Future Tense
Venue: Forum Transregionale Studien, Wallotstraße 14, 14193 Berlin
5 - 6.30 pm
17 Oct | »Past Imperfect, Future Tense: Writing People's Histories in the Middle East Today«
Pascale Ghazaleh (American University in Cairo / EUME-FU Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2017-19)
Chair: Georges Khalil (EUME / Forum Transregionale Studien)
24 Oct | »Anarchy as Order: Civil Society, Responsibility and the Meaning of Freedom after the Arab Revolutions«
Mohammed Bamyeh (University of Pittsburgh / EUME Fellow 2018/19)
Chair: Yasmeen Daher (University of Montreal)
31 Oct | »The Meaning of Justice and the Rule of Law in Post-2013 Egypt«
Amr Hamzawy (Stanford University / Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin 2018/19)
Chair: Georges Khalil (EUME / Forum Transregionale Studien)
7 Nov | »Culture is the Red Line: Scenes from a Sit-In and the Battle for Egyptian Identity«
Dina A. Ramadan (Bard College Berlin / EUME Fellow 2018/19)
Chair: Hanan Toukan (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg / EUME Fellow 2012-14)
14 Nov | »The Worker Leaves the Archive: Documents, Material and Commentary, but NO Film«
Ali Hussein Al-Adawy (Alexandria)
Chair: Alia Mossallam (EUME Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2017/18)
28 Nov | »International Bankers and Socialist Workers: Infrastructures of Capitalism between Brussels and Constantinople, 1909-1924«
Cihan Tekay (City University of New York / EUME Fellow 2018)
Chair: Malak Labib (EUME-FU Fellow of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation 2018/19)
5 Dec | »Strikes, Riots and Laughter: Tracing a Geography of Resistance by Egyptian Workers in World War I«
Alia Mossallam (EUME Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2017/18)
Chair: Seda Altuğ (EUME Fellow 2018/19)
12 Dec | »Pamphleteering Islam: New Media and New Publics in the 17th-Century Ottoman Empire«
Nir Shafir (University of California, San Diego / Irmgard Coninx Prize EUME Fellow 2018/19)
Chair: Georges Khalil (EUME / Forum Transregionale Studien)
19 Dec | »Musical Life in Beirut: Leisure, Cosmopolitanism and Struggles at the Beginning of the 20th Century«
Diana Abbani (EUME Fellow 2018/19)
Chair: Yektan Türkyilmaz (EUME Fellow 2017-20)
9 Jan | »New Histories for a New Turkey: The First Battle of Kut (1916) and the Reshaping of the Ottoman Past«
Burak Onaran (EUME Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2019/20)
Chair: Zeynep Türkyilmaz (EUME Fellow 2018/19)
In cooperation with the Division of Modern European History of Prof. Dr. Oliver Janz at Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
16 Jan | »German 'Rationalisierung' in 1930s Turkish Shop Floors: Experts, Exiles and Textiles«
Görkem Akgöz (re:work Fellow of the Gerda Henkel Foundation 2018/19)
Chair: Sezai Ozan Zeybek (EUME Fellow 2018-20)
23 Jan | »Deported Twice: The Historiography of the Destruction of Pontic Greeks (1916-1921)«
Zeynep Türkyilmaz (EUME Fellow 2018/19)
Chair: Başak Tuğ (Istanbul Bilgi University / Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin 2018/19)
06 Feb | »Animals and Nightmares: Arab Feminist Novels and Colonial Fantasies«
Mona Kareem (State University of New York at Binghamton / EUME Fellow 2018/19)
Moderation: Rasha Chatta (EUME Fellow 2018/19)
13 Feb | »'From the Needle to the Rocket’: International Development, Social Engineering and the Politics of Economic Planning in Egypt (1941-1965)«
Malak Labib (EUME-FU Fellow of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation 2018/19)
Chair: Görkem Akgöz (re:work Fellow of the Gerda Henkel Foundation 2018/19)