Winter Term 2006/07
Winter Term 2006/07
Winter Term 2006/07
Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe
Venue: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Villa Jaffé, Wallotstr. 10
5.00 - 7.00 pm
18 Oct | Conceptions of Authority
Dana Sajdi
(Amman, EUME-Fellow 2006/07)
History and Authority: The Arabic Historical Chronicle until the 18th Century
Almut Höfert
(Universität Basel, Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg 2006/07)
Medieval Sacred Monarchy: The Caliph's Body in Fatimid History. A Research Project in Progress
Gudrun Krämer
(Freie Universität Berlin)
01 Nov | Icons and Community
Eli Bar-Chen
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, EUME-Fellow 2006/07)
Maimonides as Icon: Minority Heritage and Collective Identity in Three Mediterranean Cities
Thomas Hauschild
(Universität Tübingen, Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg 2006/07)
Saints and Scholars in the Mediterranean
Angelika Neuwirth
(Freie Universität Berlin)
15 Nov | Negotiating Different Perspectives on the Koran
Mohamad Nur Kholis Setiawan
(University of Indonesia in Yogyakarta, EUME-Fellow 2006/07)
Is an Approach "Irrespective of Religious Considerations" in Qur'anic Studies Possible
Nicolai Sinai
(Freie Universität Berlin)
Historical-Critical Approaches to Sacred Scriptures
Michael Marx
(Freie Universität Berlin)
29 Nov | Copts, Muslims and the West
Magdi Guirguis
(Cairo University, Georg Graf Fellow of the Katholischer Akademischer Ausländerdienst)
The Copts and the Church of Rome during the Ottoman Period
Moez Khalafaoui
(Universität Erfurt)
The British Empire and Muslim Communities in mid-19th Century India
Marc Baer
(University of California at Irvine, currently Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)
13 Dec | Urban Pluralism from Empire to Republic
Zafer Yenal
(Bogazici Universitesi, EUME-Fellow 2006/07)
Culinary Cosmopolitanism: Changing Forms of Conviviality in Late Nineteenth Century and Early Republican Istanbul
Marc Baer
Connecting Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire: The Cosmopolitan Dönme in Salonica and Processes of Globalization
Nora Lafi
(Zentrum Moderner Orient)
10 Jan | Islamic Feminist Interpretations of the Koran
Raja Rhouni
(Mohammad V University of Rabat, EUME-Fellow 2006/07)
Fatima Mernissi's Post-foundationalist Critique
Katrin Simon
(Freie Universität Berlin)
Exegetical Perspectives of Amina Wadud
Gudrun Krämer
(Freie Universität Berlin)
24 Jan | Memory and the Nation
Erol Köroglu
(Sabanci University, EUME-Fellow 2006/07)
Perpetual Struggle of the Nation in Turkish Narratives of the Independence War: Literary Cultural History of a Thematic Genre
Esra Özyürek
(University of California, San Diego; Fellow of the American Academy in Berlin)
Turkish Christians: Nationalism and Memory in the Making of a New Religious Community in Turkey and Germany
Zafer Yenal
7 Feb | Empire and Translation
Shaden Tageldin
(University of Minnesota, EUME-Fellow 2006/07)
Disarming Words: Empire and the Seductions of Translation in Egypt
Harry Liebersohn
(University of Illinois, Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg 2006/07)
Travel Writing and Translation
Andreas Pflitsch
(Zentrum für Literaturwissenschaft)