Summer Term 2007

Summer Term 2007

Sommersemester 2007

Language and Community

18 Apr | 17.00-19.00 | Language and Community
Oded Schechter
The Genealogy of Hebrew: A Critical Investigation Concerning the Formation of a Space between the Christian and the Jew as a Metaphysical Ground of a Colonial Project
Eli Bar-Chen
(LMU München, EUME-Fellow)

26 Apr | 19.30-21.00  
Amina Wadud
Islamic Feminisms: Authority and Authenticity
Claus-Peter Haase
(Museum für Islamische Kunst)
Gudrun Krämer
(Freie Universität Berlin)

28 Apr | Film: Islam Unveiled
by Samira Ahmed
(London) / a Hardcash Production
mit anschließender Diskussion mit der Autorin 
'Islamic Feminism': Prospects and Limitations
Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
(Humanistic University, Utrecht)
Ziba Mir-Hosseini
Norani Othman
(Universiti Kebangsaan)
Sa'diyya Shaikh
(University of Cape Town)
Gudrun Krämer
(Freie Universität Berlin)

2 Mai | 17.00-19.00 | The Other of Others: Jews, Turks and Germans
Kader Konuk
(University of Michigan / Zentrum für Literatur- und
Kulturforschung Berlin)
Eternal Wanderers, Mimics and Dönmes: German and Turkish Jews in Modern Turkey
Gökçe Yurdakul
(Brock University, Ontario)
Jews and Turks in Germany: Immigrant Integration, Political Organisation and Minority Rights
Michal Bodemann
(University of Toronto)

2 Mai | 20.00-21.00 | Images of Women and Islam
Hilal Sezgin
Alawiyya Sobh
Shereen Abou El Naga
(Cairo University)

14 Mai | 19.00-21.00
Shaden Tageldin
(University of Minnesota, EUME-Fellow)
Part of Europe? Colonial Geopolitics, Translation, and the Riddle of Origins in Egyptian Literary Culture, 1834–1930
Dana Sajdi

21 Mai | 18.00-20.00
Maria Todorova
(University of Illinois)
Historische Vermächtnisse zwischen Europa und dem Nahen Osten
Wolf Lepenies
(Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Vorsitzender des
Beirats der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung)

30 Mai | 17.00-19.00 | Suspected Compatriots: Turkish Christians and German Muslims
Özlem Biner
Imagined Cosmopolites of Mardin: An Ethnographic Study of Cosmopolitanism from the Margins of Contemporary Turkey
Esra Özyürek
(University of California, San Diego)
Turkish Christians and German Muslims: New Religious Minorities in the New Europe
Damani Partridge
(University of Michigan)

11 Jun | 19.00-21.00
Dana Sajdi
Sacred Language and Cultural Decline: Were Arabs too Backward to Print Books?
Thomas Bauer
(Universität Münster; Fellow des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin)

13 Jun | 17.00-19.00 | The Topography of Europe and its Shift to the East
Miranda Jakiša
(Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung)
The Balcans as a Threshold
Zaal Andronikashvili
(Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung)
Georgia as a Cultural Palimpsest
Martin Treml
(Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung)

27 Jun | 17.00-19.00 | Contested Notions of Modernity
Farish Noor
(Zentrum Moderner Orient)
Discourses on Modernity and Islam in South East Asia
Abdolkerim Soroush

(ISIM; University of Amsterdam)
Modernity ,Iranian Style'
Gudrun Krämer
(Freie Universität Berlin)

9 Jul | 19.00-21.00
Erol Köroğlu
(Boğaziçi University, EUME-Fellow)
The Nationalization of the Ottoman Empire’s War: Remembrance of the First World War in Republican Turkey
Zafer Yenal
(Boğaziçi University, EUME-Fellow)

11 Jul | 17.00-19.00 | Philology and Polemics
Mohammed Reza Vasfi
Two Qur'anic Sciences Indicative of a Historical Approach to the Qur'an: Asab al-Nuzul and Al-Nasikh wa 'l-Mansukh
Michael Marx
(Corpus Coranicum, BBAW)
The Qur'an in Near Eastern Christian and Jewish Polemics
Nicolai Sinai
(Corpus Coranicum, BBAW)