Evri, Yuval

Translating the Arab-Jewish Traditon: From al-Andalus to Palestine

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This essay investigates the vision of two Jewish scholars of a shared Arab-Jewish history at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first part of the essay focuses on Abraham Shalom Yahuda's (1877-1951) re-examination of the Andalusian legacy in regard of the process of Jewish modernisation with respect to the symbolic and the actual return to the East. The second part of the essay centers on the work of Yosef Meyouhas (1863-1942), Yahuda's contemporary and life-long friend who translated a collection of Biblical stories from the Arab-Palestinian oral tradition, examining the significance of this work vis-à-vis the mainstream Zionist approach.

Yuval Evri studied Political Science and Cultural Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and completed his doctorate at Tel Aviv University in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. He was a 2013-2014 Fellow of Europe in the Middle East—The Middle East in Europe (EUME), a research program at the Forum Transregionale Studien, a guest researcher at Cambridge University (2010-2012) and a research fellow at the Van Leer Institute (2005-2010). Yuval Evri is a faculty member of the Mandel Leadership Institute and postdoctoral fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

DOI: 10.25360/01-2017-00005
ISSN (Print) 2364-8945
ISSN (Online) 2364-8953

Image credit: Abraham Shalom Yahuda portrait, G. Krokorian studio, Jerusalem. Garabed Krikorian - The David B. Keidan Collection of Digital Images from the Central Zionist Archives. Created circa 1897. Source: www.en.wikipedia.org

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