New audio recording published: What is Left? Trajectories of Secular Politics in Post-2003 Iraq - Talk by Gennaro Gervasio
Audio recording of the talk by Gennaro Gervasio (U Roma Tre / EUME Fellow 2022-23) at the Berliner Seminar 22 November …
Introducing “Beyond Guidelines”: Navigating Mismatched Expectations between Research Ethics and Institutional Ethics Regimes
Banu Karaca kicks off the new BEYONDREST series on the TRAFO- Blog for Transregional Research.
New audio recording published:‘Affectueusement, Laila’: Being a ‘foreign’ Jewish communist woman in post-colonial Egypt - Talk by Rim Naguib
Audio recording of the talk by Rim Naguib (EUME Fellow 2019-23) at the Berliner Seminar, 29 November 2023.
Palestine and the Migrant Question in Postcolonial France
Bookreview of “Natives against Nativism: Antiracism and Indigenous Critique in Postcolonial France” by Olivia C. …
New audio recording published: Archives, Heritage and Discontent: Who Owns Egypt’s Past? - Talk by Pascale Ghazaleh
Audio recording of the talk by Pascale Ghazaleh (American University Cairo / EUME Fellow 2017-19) at the Berliner …
Resisting the Hobbesian Narrative: Hope and Morality in ‘The Hunger Games’
Loaay Wattad reflects on the evolution of hope and morality in dystopian narratives.
New audio recording published: On Endings: »Temporalities of Exiled Arab Magazines in the 1980s/90s« – Talk by Yvonne Albers
Audio recording of the talk by Yvonne Albers (Freie Universität Berlin/ EUME Fellow 2021-24) at the Berliner Seminar, 15 …
“A Suggestion for a Different Existence in Israel-Palestine” – Eastwards: R. Binyamin, Binationalism and Counter-Zionism
Avi-ram Tzoreff in conversation with Georges Khalil about his new book.
New audio recording published: »Political Imagination and the Postcolonial in Contemporary Egypt« – Talk by Fouad Halbouni and Ismail Fayed
Audio recording of the talk by Fouad Halbouni (EUME Fellow 2021-23) in conversation with Ismail Fayed (independent …
Wissenschaftliche Gesprächsräume in Zeiten des Umbruchs
Das Forum Transregionale Studien begrüßt 50 Fellows aus über 23 Ländern.
EUME Fellows 2023/24
The research program Europe in the Middle East — The Middle East in Europe (EUME) welcomes its Fellows of 2023/24.
New audio recording published: »Poetics and Politics of Jina Amini Revolutionary Uprising in Iran« – Talk by Fatemeh Shams
Audio recording of the talk by Fatemeh Shams (University of Pennsylvania / EUME Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt …
New audio recording published: »Can the Colonial Archive be a Source of Anti-Colonial Struggle« - Talk by Alia Mossallam & Adam Benkato
Audio recording of Alia Mossallam’s (EUME Fellow 2017-23) conversation with Adam Benkato (UC Berkeley) »Can the Colonial …
New audio recording published: »Working for the Kaiser (and Being Treated Unfairly)« - Talk by Filiz Tütüncü Çağlar
Audio recording of the talk »Working for the Kaiser (and Being Treated Unfairly): Ottoman-German Archaeological …
New audio recording published: »Haifa 1948: The Unmaking of the Palestinian City and the Struggle for Democratic Urban Governance« – Talk by Himmat Zoubi
Audio recording of the talk by Himmat Zoubi (EUME Fellow 2018-23) at the Berliner Seminar, 21 June 2023
Imagining Futures - Dealing with Disparity
The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) launches its main phase and welcomes its new Fellows in …
EUME Berliner Seminar Winter Term 2023/2024
In the Winter Term 2023/2024, the Berliner Seminar will be continued under the theme »Legacies and Beginnings«.
CANCELLED: Humanities and Social Sciences in Times of Crises: Back to Provincialism?
Conference of the Forum Transregionale Studien is cancelled!
Syrische Kultur in Deutschland: Töne der Menschlichkeit bewahren
Journalistin Hannah El-Hitami über einen SYRASP-Workshop
‘Woman, Life, Freedom’: Decoding the Political Poetics of a Woman-led Revolutionary Movement
Fatemeh Shams investigates the origins and the evolution of revolutionary slogans. Read at our TRAFO Blog →