Further information will follow soon.
Pleaser register in advance via eume(at)trafo-berlin.de. Depending on approval by the speaker(s), the Berliner Seminar will be recorded. All audio recordings of the Berliner Seminar are available on SoundCloud.
Towibah Majdub (Ben Gurion University / EUME Fellow of the Minerva Foundation 2024/25), Chair: Suhad Bishara (Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel / EUME Fellow 2024/25)
Forum Transregionale Studien, Wallotstr. 14, 14193 Berlin
Further information will follow soon.
Pleaser register in advance via eume(at)trafo-berlin.de. Depending on approval by the speaker(s), the Berliner Seminar will be recorded. All audio recordings of the Berliner Seminar are available on SoundCloud.