EUME Discussion
Do. 21 Nov. 2019 | 18:00–23:00

Musical Disruptions

STRONG by Salim Saab & PALESTINE UNDERGROUND by Boiler Room (documentaries, 2018) and SHAYNE by Stephan Geene (docu drama, 2019) — double screening and discussion

Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstraße 32, 12049 Berlin

Film still from "Strong"

First Screening (6 pm)

Film: Strong (Forte)
by Salim Saab
Documentary, 2018, France, 31 min, Arabic (OE)

“Strong” shows a variety of strong women artists (Graffiti, Dance, Music, Tatoo) in the Arab World

Film: Palestine Underground
by Boiler Room
Documentary, 2018, Palestine, 27 min, Arabic/English (OE)

“Muqata’a” or disruption is the name of the godfather of Ramallah’s underground Hip-Hop scene. Through him the film Palestine Underground follows members of the growing subterranean dance culture as they put on DIY parties across the region.

Second Screening (8 pm)

by Stephan Geene
Docu-drama, 2019, Germany, 120 min, German/English/French/Arabic (OE)

Ricky Shayne briefly streaked like a comet through West German popular culture from 1967 to 1972. Born in Cairo, raised in Beirut, he became a star in Rome in the booming Beat scene. He was then imported to Germany, where there was more money to be made. Shayne found himself in Berlin between BRAVO and ZDF Hit Parade, celebrated and exoticized. Stephan Geene, who was 10 years old at the time, was changed forever by this phenomenon, and now explores his fascination by using unconventional narrative means. He has created a serial TV anti-portrait, framed by rehearsals for a gala, the attempt to give one last moment to an aborted career; an architect thinks out loud about photography and theatricality and the possibility of mounting a gala as a ruin, in order to do justice to the figure of Ricky Shayne, to his ruptures and contradictions. (Text: Forum Berlinale)

Stephan Geene, born in Bonn, West Germany, in 1961, was part of the artist group minimal club and is co-founder of the collective b_books, which works as a bookstore and publisher in the areas of political theory, gender and film theory. He has translated texts by Maurizio Lazzarato, Jacques Rancière, and Beatriz/Paul Preciado. He has directed two feature films, AFTER EFFECT (2006), and umsonst (2014) premiered at Forum Expanded in 2014.

In cooperation with Mayadin Al-Tahrir e.V., Werkstatt der Kulturen and Soundwatch Music Film Festival

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