Convenor: Prof. Dr. Gudrun Krämer (Freie Universität Berlin)
The Summer Academy 'History and Historiography: New Approaches and Perspectives' was held in Berlin from 18 September to 29 September, 2000 under the direction of Professor Dr Gudrun Krämer.
Please find here the schedule of the Summer Academy and the original call for applications.
Research focussing on aspects of economic, social and legal history were especially encouraged. Projects approached the subject from a quantitative or a qualitative perspective, and covered all geographical areas of the Muslim world. The study of the history and historiography of Muslim societies should contribute to a greater awareness of their complexity, offering deeper insights into the phenomena of ‘modernity’ and ‘modernization’ which were of interest to scholars well beyond the fields of Islamic and/or the respective area studies.
The following scholars participated in the Summer Academy:
Dr David Atwill (Juniata College, Huntingdon/PA)
Islam South of the Clouds: Muslim Yunnanese, Ethnic Insurgency, and Transnationalism in Southwestern China
Gulnas B. Azamatova (Russian Acad. of Ufa; Bashkhorestan)
Muslim Education in Bashkortostan in the Context of State-Religious Relations
Laura Bier (New York University)
Making Women into Citizens: Gender, Citizenship and State Building in Egypt During the Nasser Period: 1952-1970
Isa Blumi (New York University)
The Consequences of Empire: The Integration and Negotiation of Identity in Yemen and Albania
Ana María Carballeira Debasa (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid)
Pious Endowments (waqf or hubs) in al-Andalus
Dr Renate Dieterich (Universität Bonn)
Social History of 20th Century Amman
Howard Eissenstat (University of California at Los Angeles)
Turkic Immigrant Communities in the Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Turkish Republic
Dr Vickie Langohr (College of the Holy Cross, Worcester/MA)
Educating for Islamism under Colonialism: The Cases of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Muhammadiya in Indonesia
Ismael Musah Montana (York University, North York, Canada)
Sudan Tunis: The Black Slavery of the Regency of Tunis, 1800-1890
Dr Maria Teresa Penelas-Meléndez (Warburg Institute, University of London)
The Influence of Latin Literature on Arabic Historiography
Dagmar Anne Riedel (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Searching for the Arabo-Islamic episteme: The Status of Historical Information in Medieval Arabic Anthological Writing
Khaled M. Safi (Freie Universität Berlin)
The Egyptian Rule in Palestine (1831-1840)
Sehriban Sahin (New School University, New York City)
The Alevi Movement: Transformation from Secret-Oral to Public-Written Culture in the National and Transnational Social Spaces
Paul Schrijver (University of Amsterdam)
State Policies towards Islamic Education in the Sudan, 1956-1985
Guido Steinberg (Freie Universität Berlin)
“Gesellschaftsgeschichte”: A Concept for the Interpretation of Middle Eastern Societies?
Nancy Stockdale (UCLA, Santa Barbara)
Gender and Colonialism in Palestine 1800-1939: Encounters Between English, Arab and Jewish Women
Dr Daniella Talmon-Heller (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
Society and Religion in Syria from the Reign of Nur al-Din till the Mamluk Occupation (1154-1260)
Dr Goolam H. Vahed (University of Durban/South -Africa)
Turning to the Core: The Rise of Sufi Islam in South Africa
Dr Heidi A.Walcher (Yale University, New Haven/CT)
Politics and Society in Isfahan from 1866-1907
Dr Jianping Wang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Bejing)
Sufi Orders in Northwest China: the Battlefield between Islamic Mysticism and Indigenous Cultures
Stefan Weber (Dt. Archäologisches Institut Damaskus)
Town Architecture and Society in Late Ottoman Damascus (1808-1918). Witnesses of Cultural Change - A Survey on late Ottoman Architecture
Institutional Framework
The Working Group Modernity and Islam represented by the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin is a research network of Berlin universities and extra-university institutions committed to fostering a deeper understanding of Muslim cultures, their history, and social structures.