EUME Discussion
Mi. 25 Jan. 2012 | 17:00–19:00

The Arab World in Revolution

Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, Adam Mestyan, Gish Amit, Ihab Saloul (all EUME Fellows 2011/12), Cilja Harders (FU Berlin), Nora Lafi (ZMO) and Muriel Asseburg (SWP)

Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Villa Jaffé, Wallotstr. 10, 14193 Berlin

Short presentations by:

Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim (Georgetown University / EUME Fellow 2011/12)
Social Protest and Social Movements in Egypt before the Revolution

Cilja Harders (FU Berlin / EUME)
Gender and Revolutionary Transitions

Adam Mestyan (Budapest / EUME Fellow 2011/12)
A Historian’s View on the Unity of the Army and the People

Nora Lafi (Zentrum Moderner Orient / EUME)
Tunisia one Year After the Fall of the Ben Ali Regime: Revolution, Transition and Political Processes of Change

Gish Amit (Ben-Gurion University / EUME Fellow 2011/12)
The Egyptian Revolution seen from an Israeli Perspective

Ihab Saloul (Maastricht University / EUME Fellow 2011/12)
Revolution or Not: On the Notion of Revolution in Arab Politics

Muriel Asseburg (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)
The Arab Spring and Policy-oriented Research

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