AKMI Workshop
Thu 12 Dec 2002 – Sun 15 Dec 2002

Mysterium Tremendum: Horror and the Aesthetics of Religious Experience

Convener: Ruth HaCohen and Navid Kermani

Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Wallotstr. 19, 14193 Berlin

Please find the conference poster hereand the program below.

Report of Nicolai Sinai


Thursday, December 12
20.00 Reception: Ruth HaCohen and Navid Kermani outlined the general topic of the workshop and the overarching project “Jewish and Islamic Hermeneutics as Cultural Critique”

Friday, December 13
9.30-13.00 First Session
Distant pasts - Textual Analysis of ‘Tremendous’ Moments in the Religious Sources
Chairperson: Abdulkader Tayob

9.30-11.30 Michael Fishbane: Between Mysterium and Tremendum in Jewish Liturgical Poetry: Some Phenomenological and Textual Considerations
Reinhard Kratz: Scheol and Gehenna in the Books of Enoch


12.00-13.00 Stefan Wild: The Aesthetics of the Qur'anic Hell  

15.00-18.30 Second Session 
Past & Present - The Archaeology of Hidden Dialogue and the Acoustics of Horror Chairperson: Galit Hasan-Rokem

15.00-17.00 Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann: Days of Wrath: Theology of Redemption vs. Theology of Punishment
Ilana Pardes: The Horror and Seduction of Divine Intimacy: God's Questions and Job's Response

17.30-18.30 Angelika Neuwirth: Divine Wrath and Awesome Divine Presence and the Emergence of a Community

20.00 "Symposium" with Poetry and Music

Saturday, December 14 
9.30-13.00 Third Session 
Community in the Make and the Dynamics of Excommunication
Chairperson: Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid

9.30-11.30 Abdelkader Tayob: Quranic Verses on Jihad in International Relations: Reading a Text in the Light of Competing Theories of Jihad
Mahmoud Ayoub: Shi'ite Devotions and the Ethos of Martyrdom

12.00-13.00 Gil Anidjar: The Horror of the Messiah: Sabbatai Zevi's Descent to Hell

15.00-18.30 Fourth Session 
Internalizing and Secularizing Awe
Chairperson: Angelika Neuwirth

15.00-17.00 Almut Bruckstein: The Uprising of Images as Horror Tremendum: Where Contemporary Image Theory Meets Kabbala
Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid: Ibn Arabi: The Tension Between Spirituality and Social Constraint  

17.30-18.30 Ruth HaCohen: Updating Horror: Changing Sound Imagery in the Jewish and Christian "Day of Judgment" 

Sunday, December 15
9.30-12.00 Fifth Session 
The Enactment of Trauma through Images
Chairperson: Almut Bruckstein
Galit Hasan-Rokem: The Rage of God – a Human Perspective
Navid Kermani: The Letter of the Guardians: Trauma and Politics in the Islamic Republic of Iran 

12.30-14.00 Résumé and Preview
Chairpersons: Ruth HaCohen and Navid Kermani 

20.00: Public Discussion: Current Political Repercussions
Yaron Ezrahi, Farid Esaak, Almut Bruckstein, Hassan Hanafi, and Navid Kermani 

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